Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Getting elected as a "charismatic demagogue" is one thing; governing requires skills Obama lacks

"What happens when the thing a president knows best is a set of tactics designed to take power from the "haves"? When the most highly prized info a president ever garnered could be summed up as nothing better than gaming an electoral system with ACORN pay-for-registration schemes?

What happens when a president is very skilled in deceptively cloaking these less-than-altruistic means in rhetorical "moral garments" and his lies finally start catching up with him, destroying his credibility? When a president has never actually run anything successfully, not even his own paper route or a PTA meeting or a small town's city council?

What happens when power-grab tactics, taught by a rabble-rousing revolutionary, suddenly catapult a charismatic demagogue into the highest power-perch in the world?

Well, then, Barack Obama's big, fat governance failure happens."

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