Monday, February 22, 2010

Do Tiger's lapses on the golf course in 2004 and 2008 reflect activity in his other scorecard?

For the unschooled, these two charts may eventually gain the transcendant importance in the economic and sports worlds that the phrase, "the dog that didn't bark," has in murder mysteries. Even the most casual reader will notice that the second chart is composed entirely of phallic symbols.

We will focus here on two obvious dips in the performance and earnings of Tiger Woods, one in 2004 and another in 2008.

What accounts for this? Did Woods' other scorecard register an upsurge in hits during these periods? If so, high voltage libido coincides with subpar golf, and may even have a causal effect.

If, on the other hand, the other scorecard for those periods looks like an Obama admiration chart for 2009, the diagnosis would be quite different: If the swinging takes a vacation, so does the swing.

Golfers, swingers, agents, coaches and psychologists all want to know the answer. The wives will have to speak for themselves.

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