Friday, March 26, 2010

Obama targeted the young during the campaign, then drowned them in debt with his policies

The passage of Obamacare created many losers, but none greater than for Americans under the age of 30, the very voters on whom Team Obama performed a pixel-driven lobotomy during the 2008 presidential election.

The majority of Americans who opposed President Barack Obama’s healthcare bill are shaking their heads and wondering how such a legislative monstrosity could lurch its way to passage. The answer harkens back to the 2008 election: Team Obama brainwashed 66% of younger voters, the very citizens who will now be engulfed by the $1 trillion tidal wave Mr. Obama just sent crashing over their (and their children’s and grandchildren’s) heads.

During the presidential campaign, David Plouffe, David Axelrod and Obama built a technologically savvy marketing machine that shotgunned Twitter messages at Mach speed, sent YouTube clips ricocheting around the globe, and built a gargantuan digital tribe of Facebook followers. My generation fell for the marketing blitz. And now, we are the ones stuck with the consequences of what the healthcare debacle will mean for our health and our wealth (or lack thereof).

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