Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Inquiring minds know what White House says, but what does it mean?

It's time for the Obama administration to bite the bullet and hire a platoon of translators. While claiming to cut health care costs, it raises them. While paying lip service to traditional American values, it runs roughshod over them by thuggishly increasingly the intrusiveness and authority of Washington, with IRS agents assigned to new levels of snooping. When Arizona enacts a meaningful law to curtail illegal immigration, the White House blasts the action.

Now, we have Peter Orszag, President Obama's budget director, expressing concern about the fast-rising deficits with words that stand out only because of their impenetrability..

Out-of-control deficits could "require increased borrowing abroad which will mortgage our future income to foreign creditors," Orszag told the first meeting of the 18-member National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform. Reining in the deficit, which was $1.4 trillion in 2009, would "require significant changes in policy that build on what we have done," Orszag said.

Exactly how does a government change a policy and still "build on what we have done?"

What the Obama administration has done is grow government by seizing the health care industry, which, as part of the private sector, accounted for 13 percent of the national economy. How is building on that going to cut costs, given the obvious fact that government employees make more than comparable workers in the private sector?

Along the same line, how is the Obama administration's new love letter to Wall Street, in the form of a promise of future bailouts for troubled enterprises, going to cut costs? Isn't that love letter more likely to raise costs by encouraging recklessness now that a permanent safety net is being erected?

1 comment:

Twinky said...

come'on..Inquiring Minds Wants To Know about what they say!! they don't even know what they are saying!!!