Friday, March 26, 2010

"Obama Zombies" - born of corrupt news, vapid celebrities, global warming alarmism, brainwash

In 2008, twenty-somethings like me began to notice a disturbing new creature appearing on their college campuses around the country and all over their favorite social networking sites. They seemed to spread out everywhere, spewing meaningless dribble in the form of campaign slogans and infecting others as the year went on until it appeared a full-blown epidemic had emerged. What were these ominous beings and where did they come from?

Well, Jason Mattera’s new book Obama Zombies: How the Liberal Machine Brainwashed My Generation answers that very question. In one of the most detailed and insightful looks behind the curtain of the Obama campaign’s assault on young voters Jason reveals facts that are imperative to learn if we, as conservatives, want to compete for the hearts and minds of young people.

This book shows precisely how a disgustingly corrupt news and entertainment media, vapid celebrities, healthcare and global-warming alarmism, hack comedians and a professionally coordinated online operation took advantage of a generation of young idealists who are too inexperienced at life to truly understand how ineffective and inefficient government really is. But instead of relying pure on conjecture, Obama Zombies provides details about how liberals use their tactics against young people and gives precise numbers on the success those tactics lead to. The book provides tangible standards for judging just how soundly the left and the Obama campaign dominated the right and the McCain campaign among young people on issues and online. The numbers Jason reveals are staggering and, indeed, quite troubling.

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