Saturday, May 15, 2010

EPA is dealing with its insane judgment that carbon dioxide, present in plants and animals, is hazardous to life as we know it

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) yesterday announced a new “tailoring rule” to attempt to postpone the disastrous consequences of their earlier “endangerment finding” that declared carbon dioxide, the substance humans exhale, a danger to life as we know it on the planet.

The endangerment finding issued last December was designed to side-step authorization from Congress for the administration’s draconian greenhouse gas permitting regulation scheme using the Clean Air Act (CAA) as a means to regulate carbon. The Democrats’ cap and trade national energy tax is DOA in the Senate.

But the endangerment finding has disastrous consequences to the economy. And for Democrats in the November elections.

As a delaying tactic, the EPA now seeks to modify the CAA -- an actual statute -- with a “tailoring rule” to raise limits on carbon well above the hard and fast numbers designed for actual dangerous substances in the CAA. The limits set forth in the CAA -- if applied to carbon -- could regulate even local donut shops, pizza parlors, nursing homes, and apartment buildings.

Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.), top Republican on the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, said the tailoring rule violates the clear legal requirements of the Clean Air Act they’re attempting to misuse to regulate carbon.

‘In short, EPA is buying political time because it knows the political and practical consequences that will arise from its endangerment finding,” Inhofe said. “The only way to stop EPA is for Congress to overturn that finding and provide certainty for employers so they can create jobs, expand their businesses, and get America on the path to economic recovery.”

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