Friday, June 5, 2009

GM bailout drives down Obama's poll numbers

A promising harbinger hove into view on Friday, but was largely ignored by the Obama Adoration Society, also known as the mainsteam media.

Voters who strongly oppose Obama's policies have grown to even strength with voters who strongly approve, according to Rasmussen Reports. For me, the sight of the trend lines meeting on the chart was tantmount to watching the Tigers tie the White Sox with a home run in the eighth inning.

it ain't over yet, but things are finally starting to look better.

"The President’s ratings have slipped since General Motors filed for bankruptcy to initiate a new government bailout and takeover," the polling agency reports. "Just 26% of Americans believe the GM bailout was a good idea and nearly as many support a boycott of GM products. It remains to be seen whether the dip in the President’s numbers is a temporary reaction to recent news or something more substantive."

Thirty-four percent of the sample strongly approve of Obama's performance while 34 perent strongly disapprove, reducing Obama's Presidential Approval Index to zero.

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