Wednesday, October 28, 2009

36 % believe global warming alarmists; 37 % in ghosts

...while only 36% of Americans believe the living and breathing can warm the planet, 37% believe the dead and gone can stick around and haunt houses. And what’s truly scary about these figures is the inverted lessons learned by the site reporting them.

Apparently spooked by last week’s Pew report which revealed a decaying number of green-brainwashed eco-zombies roaming the land, Care2, a Liberal activist website, exhumed a 4 year old Gallup Poll that found more Americans believed then in haunted houses than do now that we’ve turned the planet into a frightening greenhouse.

And while most would recognize in this a condemnation of the evidence presented for anthropogenic climate change, Care2 instead sees a failure in media penetration. I kid you not.

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