Monday, August 23, 2010

Why the economy refuses to recover: Americans are on strike against Obama's anti-American, big government policies

Hoist by his own petard.

That's President Barack Obama.

Having assumed office with an illusory mandate to "transform America," he tossed aside public opinion, ignored voters' traditional preference for moderate, not radical, change, and set out to impose his vision of  dominant government and a citizenry willing to say, okay, when a designated bureaucrat tells them their time has come to die. In doing so, Obama's minions bribed lawmakers to vote for measures opposed by a majority of voters and made a mockery of the legislative process.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi will be an unduring symbol with her call for Congress to pass a bill cobbled by insiders so that rank and file members could find out what's in it.

As the nation's debt grew by trillions of dollars, voters recoiled in horror while Obama remained unfazed, and perhaps unwitting. There is, after all, little evidence that Obama has any understanding of economics aside from the obvious fact that many of America's corporate elite will throw money at radical politicians so long as those politicians protect and nurture their corporate interests.

As a leftist nurtured in marxist truisms, he is, of course, dedicated to Keynesian economics, a dressed up ideology that encourages politicians to pay off voting blocs and interest groups that share their aspirations in the guise of "stimulus."

Now, 19 months into his presidency, Obama expresses puzzlement at the stubborn refusal of the American economy to recover despite more than a trillion dollars in "stimulus" spending. Speculation is rife that the economy will turn down again, producing a dreaded double-dip recession.

What's going on?

Sane America has gone on strike against the Obama administration's obsessive effort to impose rule by a leftist elite, including "czars,"  that has seized control of government and uses it to impose policies that most Americans oppose.

To counter this bizarre assault on American values, individuals, families, small businesses and large corporations are reasserting their individuality and desire for freedom by hoarding cash, withholding spending to thwart a government that some regard as wayward, and many view as their enemy.

If the economy were to recover strongly and quickly, the Democrat-controlled Congress could ramrod the rest of Obama's statist agenda and complete the government takeover of matters traditionally reserved for individual discretion. That is, for many of us, a frightening vision.

By hoarding cash, American individuals and businesses are slowing or stopping the recovery and thwarting the onset of death panels, carbon taxes, social engineering by the Environmental Protection Agency and other nightmarish aspects of the Obama scheme.

So far, the citizenry is defeating Obama and his thug army - the left wing of the Democrat Party.

In 71 days the voters can derail the Obama agenda and begin the process of repealing the parts that have been enacted by reducing the Democrat Party to minority status in the House and Senate.

That's the stimulus that unhappy and frightened voters are looking for, and it would begin to revive the economy.

Once Obama has lost his congressional accomplices, the leftist assault on individual liberty will lose its thrust and American consumers will again be willing to spend and businesses to invest in future growth.

A full blown recovery is unlikely to happen, however, until Obama has an epiphany or is clearly headed for the ranks of easily ignored ex-presidents. At that point, celebratory spending will begin, to be followed by the normal pursuit of things we didn't know we needed until we started believing that we still have a future.

That moment is not yet at hand. If Democrats want to speed its arrival, they could initiate a repeal of Obamcare, begin the abolition of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and start neutering the EPA.

Watching the death throes of costly, redundant, wayward and sometimes corrupt government institutions would be the best stimulus of all.

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