Tuesday, March 10, 2009

If Obama is a failed president, so was George Bush

"... where was Krauthammer’s ire when President Bush sought American security by guarding the borders and sovereignties of foreign countries at a cost of thousands of American soldiers’ lives lost or maimed and trillions of dollars we didn’t have wasted—while leaving America’s own borders and its own sovereignty unprotected?

Bush’s great non sequitur has cost $864 billion so far [Congressional Research Service, October 15, 2008 PDF]. It will likely cost another $865 in the next ten years. According to some estimates, e.g. those of Nobel laureate economist Joseph Stiglitz, it’s The Three Trillion Dollar War.

Even apart from the terrorists trickling and vicious gangbangers streaming into the country steadily through its joke of a border, just the number of Americans killed every year by illegal alien drivers far exceeds those killed on foreign fronts.

As far as the costs are concerned, Robert Rector’s research points to the average life-time costs to the American taxpayer of $1.3 million for each low-skill household. There are at least 15 million such households between the legal and illegal low-skill immigrants in both Bush’s and Obama’s America.

My calculator cannot handle the number of zeros required to compute the total cost, but this fiscal and social capital disaster is as much among Mr. Bush’s greatest failings as it will be among Mr. Obama’s.


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