Monday, October 13, 2008

Karl Marx's long reach touches us again

Draft dodgers of the 1960s became newly minted college professors in the 1970s.
College professors of the 1970s became the indoctrinators of the college students of the 1980s and beyond.

Now, in the words of Jeremiah Wright, the chickens have come home to roost.
The doctrine of llmited government, once the backbone of the American system, has few takers.
The doctrine that government is the true source of wealth, and that private enterprise is a criminal conspiracy that sucks off the wealth has many takers.

Democrats destroyed the free market in home mortgages by waging a 30-year social engineering project, and then blame the market for the resulting finanacial collapse.

The phrase that Barack Obama seems to like best is, "I will invest..." As president, you see, it will be his job to steer the economy in the right direction. If he were to leave that task to the markets, the vehicle through which individuals and families make their preferences known, producers might make the wrong things.

Obama's professors must be proud, at least the ones who were devotees of Karl Marx. It's hard to escape Marxist professors in elite universities like Columbia and Harvard, and there is no sign that Obama made any effort to do so.

Indeed, much of Obama's script seems to be deeply Marxist in origin. His appeal is to the self-designated oppressed, who are always to be found. His enemy is the monied classes and interests that own the factories and are always conspiring to keep the people down.

Marx counted on the downtrodden to carry out the necessary revolution. Obama counts on ACORN, his former employer, which is willing to use any means, especially voting fraud, to put "the One" in the Oval Office, which would be tantamount to a revolution.

We have been warned.

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