Monday, October 20, 2008

The long reach of Karl Marx

Why the Left Hates (and Fears) Joe the Plumber
by Carol Platt Liebau

"It’s been quite a week for “Joe the Plumber,” aka Joe Wurzelbacher of Ohio. His comments elicited a telling moment of candor from Barack Obama, who insisted that “when you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody.” The redistributionist tone of Obama’s remarks received plenty of attention, not least from John McCain; they were a rare – and disturbing – insight into the mindset of an unusually disciplined candidate who has been remarkably under-covered by the press.

Not surprisingly, things soon took an ugly turn for Joe. In an effort to discredit him, the media camped out on his front yard and started nosing around in his past. In just two days, America learned more about Joe the Plumber than the press has told us in two years about Barack Obama. Both Obama and Joe Biden ridiculed Mr. Wurzelbacher, scoffing that they knew very few plumbers whose taxes would increase under their plan. Videos even went up on YouTube, fantasizing about Joe’s violent death, and publicizing his (and his ex-wife’s) phone numbers.

Maybe Joe should have expected it. After all, Americans have seen this kind of vitriol before. Back in 1991, the left unleashed the full weight of its fury against Clarence Thomas, a black man who refused to subscribe to liberal theories about race. It surfaced again this summer, when “feminists” came after Sarah Palin. Now, it’s Joe’s turn."

My observation:

The assault on Joe the Plumber is straight out of Karl Marx's playbook. Joe the Plumber, in Marxian terms, is suffering from "false consciousness." That is, he is confused and does not realize where his own best interests lie. He has allied himself with forces that actually are out to destroy him, while turning his back on forces that are trying to save him. Therefore, he must be destroyed before he can lead others astray.

If the systematic effort to destroy Joe is evidence of anything, it is evidence that America's mainstream journalists learned well from their Marxist liberal arts professors. I'm sure some of those professors are smiling today. They have left their mark.

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