Sunday, July 12, 2009

Sarah Palin tries to do something that needs doing

So, Sarah Palin plans to campaign for conservative issues and candidates, whatever their party affiliation. Good for her. I look foreward to hoots of derision from the political hacks, self-hating king-makers, machine thugs, bribe payers and bribe takers, self-dealing vultures and laughing stocks whose reckless disregard for the national interest is sinking the American ship.

I don't know whether Palin will succeed, and neither does anyone else, which is not to say that pundits won't soon be telling you when and why she will fail.

What we do know is that pursuit of self-interest, at the expense of the national interest, by politicians has brought the United States to a point where collapse or chaos is a plausible result.

Chaos was the objective of Saul Alinsky, godfather of community organizing and mentor of President Barack Obama. To achieve it, he tried to overload whatever governmental system he hoped to defeat.

What has Obama done to overload the system?

He has advocated economically damaging remedies for global warming during a period of global cooling.

He has pushed for radical changes in health care, making the American system more like Canada's, even though Canada's is infamous for its long wait times and unavailabilities. In my neighborhood, Canadians are forming collectives to insure themsleves for care on this side of the border.

He has spent trillions of dollars, driving up the national debt and testing China's willingness to continue funding that debt. In any event, interest costs of the debt will rise, putting additional drag on a flagging economy.

Not everyone is applauding this insanity. There are conservatives in the Democrat Party as well as the Republican Party, and among independents. Can they be rallied to oppose the destruction of America?

We don't know because, until now, no one has tried except the rare, quixotic third-party presidential candidates.

If Palin can do it, even on an ad hoc basis, good for her.

Here's a slogan: "We stoppped Hitler, Tojo and Stalin. We can stop Obama."

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