Sunday, August 15, 2010

40% see conservatism as cool; 39% see liberalism as uncool

Just 26% of voters think Obama shares the same political views they have. Twenty-three percent (23%) believe that of Democrats in Congress. The good news for Democrats is that only 26% also think the average Republican in Congress has about the same views politically as they do.

When it comes to the average GOP congressman, 42% of voters believe the GOP representatives are more conservative than they are while 24% say the GOP office holders are more liberal.

What’s in a political label? Forty percent (40%) of voters view being described politically as a conservative as a positive description, while 16% see it as a negative. By comparison, 14% say being described as a political liberal is a positive, but 39% see it as a negative description.

These findings comes at the same time that 57% of voters believe the Democratic congressional agenda is extreme, while a plurality (45%) describes the Republican agenda as mainstream.

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