Sunday, April 18, 2010

Obama failed to mention the one essential quality of a judge - adherence to the Constitution

One detail was missing from President Obama's list of qualifications for his nominee to replace John Paul Stevens on the Supreme Court: Any mention of the Constitution.

He just doesn't get it.

At a time when Americans are furious over Obama's headlong plunge into socialism, when his Democrat party is losing elections and hemorrhaging incumbents because voters reject their big-government "remaking America" agenda, the chameleon forgot to adapt.

The master wordsmith -- who knows how to say what people want to hear -- blew it.

He didn't state the main qualification for any person who serves in government, the absence of which has lit a brushfire of discontent, fidelity to the Constitution.

He and his allies haven't taken that first step to recovery -- acknowledging their problem. It's their utter disregard for the Constitution that is causing this big mess. The concept of a limited government, restrained in what it can and should do, is foreign to them, while for most Americans it's in our DNA. This is what puts Obama at odds with so many Americans.

President Obama said his Supreme Court nominee will be someone who knows "that in a democracy, powerful interests must not be allowed to drown out the voices of ordinary citizens."

Newsflash for the president! The most "powerful interest" in America today that is drowning out citizens' voices is…. the government!

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