Thursday, October 2, 2008

An alternative to a bailout

Tired of seeing Congress bidding up the rewards to financial institutions for failure? Here's an alternative approach proposed by Mort Zuckerman. Writing in the New York Daily News, Zuckerman argues:

"There's an alternative to buying the bad loans and investments. This would be to invest public funds in these financial institutions through the purchase of prior preferred stock by the government, which would put them senior to all shareholders. Preferred shareholders, namely the public, would be the last to realize losses and the first to receive gains. This would still recapitalize the banking system and give them time to dispose of their bad assets in an orderly fashion.

It's this same approach that Warren Buffett adopted when he invested $5 billion in Goldman Sachs. So why should the public get a worse deal when they are asked to use their dollars to be invested in lesser quality financial institutions, which have a higher risk?"

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